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Spring 2022 Gardening Jobs

Although we can’t rule out a few more frosty nights or a bit of late snow, we’re definitely now at the time of year when our thoughts can turn to getting the garden ready for the warmer months ahead. 

With longer and hopefully some drier days to work in, now is when you need to plan for the summer and start getting your garden ready. It’s a great time to get on top of things before the serious growing starts. Alternatively, if your interests lie in growing your own vegetables, it’s the time of year when you need to start sowing the seeds that will be putting food on your plate in the months to come.

These are just some of the things you need to be doing at this time of year:


It’s good to get on top of the weeds as early as you can, so that the plants you actually want to grow have plenty of room to do so. If the soil is still wet, it will make digging out established weeds much easier than when it starts to dry out.

Pruning & Tidying

Alongside getting the weeds out, you also need to tidy things up and prepare for future growth and flowering by cutting back and pruning a number of your trees and shrubs, including:

  • Deciduous plants that flower from July-October, including hardy fuchsias and buddleias
  • Evergreen trees and shrubs, especially those that need renovating
  • Tender shrubs, like lavender and rosemary

Mulching your borders and beds

This is a great way of improving your soil. Make sure the ground isn’t frozen when you put it in, then add a layer of about three centimetres. Not only will it feed your plants to aid growth, it will also help suppress weeds and retain moisture in your soil.

The first mow

Some people can’t wait for the first mow, because it’s a sure sign of the arrival of spring – others dread it because it means it’s about to become such a regular part of their routine! Give the underside of your mower a good clean before you start, then set the blades so that you’re not cutting off any more than about a third off the existing length of the grass. As the year goes on and you do the job more regularly, you can lower the blades bit-by-bit to achieve your perfect length.

Hedge trimming

If any of your hedges need a trim, get it done as soon as possible before the birds start looking to build their nests in them.

Get your potatoes in

If you’re growing potatoes, March is the month to get your first earlies in, while second earlies and main crop potatoes should be in by the end of April.

Whatever your plans are for your garden this spring, Neil Sullivan & Sons has all the landscaping supplies you need to get the job done, including high-quality topsoil, a wide range of attractive and practical aggregates for protecting your beds or creating a garden path, and railway sleepers for your rustic hard landscaping projects.

Get in touch with us today for more information, or to place an order for immediate collection from our Wickford yard or rapid delivery to your site.