There are many different types of aggregates available, and in most cases the names they are given – such as sand, shingle, granite and gravel – mean that it’s fairly obvious what they are. You might also stand a pretty good chance of working out one or two practical uses for them all without too much prompting.… Read More
Help & Advice
How Much Ballast Is In A Bulk Bag?
As one of the leading suppliers of concrete services and aggregates in and around Essex, East Anglia and East London, the team at Neil Sullivan & Sons knows more than most about the different materials used in the industry. We supply a range of different aggregates, each of which has its own uses, applications and… Read More
For those not involved in the concrete business, all concrete probably seems much the same. However, as the most common man-made material on the planet, concrete is called on to carry out an enormous number of different construction jobs in both domestic and commercial settings. And each application needs just the right kind of concrete… Read More
Can You Use Ready-Mixed Mortar for Pointing?
Old brick and stone buildings are generally robust and, when looked after properly, able to stay strong and habitable for centuries. However, over time, certain maintenance works are inevitably going to be required to ensure the integrity of the construction and to keep rain, draughts and other elements at bay. One common bit of maintenance… Read More
Renovations That Don’t Need Planning Permission
Over the last few years, the government has been endeavouring to reduce the amount of red tape that is used to stop homeowners and developers from improving and extending their properties. As a result, more home improvement and construction projects than ever can be completed under permitted development rights (PDR), thus avoiding the delays and… Read More
The Benefits of Using Concrete Pumping Services
When done in the old-fashioned way with wheelbarrows and shovels, laying concrete can be a laborious, time-consuming, wasteful and even haphazard business. Of course, with very small jobs, those tools may still be the most practical and cost-effective way of going about it. But in most cases, making use of concrete pumping services will make… Read More
Aggregate Bulk Bags & Jumbo Bag Deliveries
When you need large quantities of aggregates or topsoil delivered to your site in and around Essex, East Anglia and East London, Neil Sullivan & Sons offers the possibility of having them delivered either in bulk bags or as a loose load. There are a number of reasons for providing this choice, and in this… Read More
The team at Neil Sullivan & Sons is excited to announce that we are entering a new phase in our story following the decision by Neil to step aside from the company. The business will henceforth be ran and managed by Heidi Barley, who has been working closely with Neil to help him run the… Read More
How to Create a Low Maintenance Garden
With spring now firmly under way and the warmer weather and longer days of summer still ahead of us, thoughts can at last turn to getting the garden straight. For some, that will mean the unalloyed pleasure of endless hours of pottering about, planting this and pruning that, and generally enjoying the relaxation and calm… Read More
What’s the Difference Between Gravel & Shingle?
Aggregates come in all shapes, sizes and forms, but it’s not always easy to know the difference between one sort or another. And once you do, it’s not necessarily obvious why some are good for some applications but others aren’t, when to all extents and purposes they look and feel so similar. Gravel and shingle… Read More